
http://Berkeley-based Vittles Inc. is an exciting new venture devoted to helping those culinarily challenged become more able and adventurous cooks. As head Culinary Coach, his zeal for the Bay Area’s edible bounty and mentoring skills inspire his students to play and connect with their food, experiment with new ingredients, and ultimately feel at home in their own kitchen.

When Ross was a little boy his love for playing in the kitchen resulted in a fire that almost burnt his parent’s house down. Ever since he has been kindling the fire in others’ kitchens and learning about the magic that happens when you play with your food.

For the past twenty years he has been a successful caterer, personal chef, and, most recently founder of Vittles Inc.

Exploits such as picking organic heirloom peaches in the Central Valley of California, catching halibut off the coast in Alaska, or cooking more than 5000 meals in a month in extreme conditions have have taught Chef Ross the joy of eating and cooking pure, whole, simple food.